# Generate file.o
g++ -c file.cpp
# Generate Assembly : file.s
g++ -S file.cpp
# Convert file.o to file_dll.dll (需要先把cpp檔做成obj檔再來轉成dll檔)
g++ -shared file.o -o file_dll.dll
# Generate file.exe
g++ file.cpp -o file
# Generate file.exe from object and cpp files
g++ file.cpp obj.o -o file
# Generate main.exe from dll and cpp files
g++ file_dll.dll main.cpp -o main
# Alternative solution to generate main.exe from file_dll.dll and main.cpp , -L. means current dir
g++ -L. -lfile_dll main.cpp -o main
# Show all the warning
gcc -Wall -o main main.c
# Warning as error
gcc -Wall -Werror -o main main.c