Use Git Turtoise:
TortoiseGit -> Submodule Add...
Use Git Command:
git submodule add -b <branch> --name <submodule name> <repository> <folder path>
After setting the previous step, you will find the new file ".gitmodules" is created (or updated)
Check the contents if it is as expect:
[submodule "name"]
path = <folder path>
url = <repository>
branch = <branch> --> One of branch in the Submodule repository (Can ignore this one)
Following Issue happened in build code after I add the submodule in my one of project:
cp: cannot overwrite directory 'xxxxxxxx.git' with non-directory
This means the build procedure is trying to copy xxxxxxxx.git to somewhere the xxxxxxxx.git has already existed.
I did the following steps to overcome this problem. (or you can simply delete it, and it will be automatically generated during submodule init)
1. git commit/check-in the code
2. delete the xxxxxxxx.git in the submodule
3. git submodule init/update